Fee Structure

Fee Structure

Fee Structure

• The school fee is to be paid at the school fee counter.
• The fee is accepted in Hard cash only. The fee will be collected in four installments.

Installment No. Collection Time
Ist Installment April to June
2nd Installment July To September
3rd Installment October To December
4th Installment January To March

• If the payment is not made on time, fine of Rs. 10/-per day will be charged after the due date
• All the parents will be sent a quarterly fee invoice in advance, clearly mentioning the total amount payable and the due date.
• The fee can be paid either monthly or quarterly.
• The parents are requested to come to the school personally to pay the fee.
• In the event that the fee is not paid by the 15 of the month the school reserves the right to strike off the child's name from the school.